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- ;*************************************************************************
- ;** mmu.library **
- ;** **
- ;** a system library for arbitration and control of the MC68K MMUs **
- ;** **
- ;** © 1998 THOR-Software, Thomas Richter **
- ;** No commercial use, reassembly, modification without prior, written **
- ;** permission of the authors. **
- ;** Including this library in any commercial software REQUIRES a **
- ;** written permission and the payment of a small fee. **
- ;** **
- ;** This is an internal header file, do not depend on anything here. **
- ;** Use the official include files. **
- ;** Distributed only for the mmu.library development group for private **
- ;** use. **
- ;** **
- ;**---------------------------------------------------------------------**
- ;** Block: Service routines **
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;FOLD Includes
- include mu_lib.i
- include INC:exec_lib.asm
- include INC:macros.asm
- ;FOLD Defines
- memf_clear = 16
- section main_code,code
- ;FOLD AllocAligned
- ;*************************************************
- ;** AllocAligned **
- ;** Allocate d0 bytes of type d1, aligned to a0 **
- ;** boundaries **
- ;** return NULL on failure or the memory block **
- ;*************************************************
- xdef AllocAligned
- AllocAligned:
- saveregs d2-d4/a6
- move.l a0,d2 ;alignment present?
- beq .fail
- move.l mulib_SysBase(a6),a6
- subq.l #1,d2 ;reduce
- move.l d1,d4 ;keep type
- move.l d0,d3 ;saveback size
- bclr #memf_clear,d1 ;MEMF_CLEAR doesn't matter anyways
- add.l d2,d0 ;bytes + alignment - 1
- jsr AllocMem(a6) ;get the memory
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .exit ;on failure
- jsr Forbid(a6) ;does not alter the registers
- move.l d0,a1 ;keep it
- move.l d3,d1 ;restore bytesize
- add.l d2,d0 ;address plus alignment
- add.l d2,d1
- not.l d2
- and.l d0,d2 ;align to next boundary
- move.l d1,d0
- jsr FreeMem(a6) ;release it
- move.l d3,d0 ;bytesize
- move.l d2,a1 ;location
- jsr AllocAbs(a6) ;allocate it
- jsr Permit(a6) ;does not alter registers
- tst.l d0 ;worked?
- beq.s .fail ;pass thru failure
- move.l d2,d0 ;location in d2
- btst #memf_clear,d4 ;clear it ?
- beq.s .exit
- ;here: Yes, please
- move.l d2,a0
- moveq #0,d1 ;Clear
- sub.l a1,a1
- moveq #0,d2
- sub.l a6,a6
- adda.l d3,a0 ;Poiner BEHIND the memory
- lsr.l #1,d3
- bcc.s .nobyte
- move.b d1,-(a0) ;One byte at the end?
- .nobyte:
- lsr.l #1,d3
- bcc.s .noword
- move.w d1,-(a0)
- .noword:
- lsr.l #1,d3
- bcc.s .nolong
- move.l d1,-(a0)
- .nolong:
- lsr.l #1,d3
- bcc.s .noquad
- movem.l d1/d2,-(a0)
- .noquad:
- lsr.l #1,d3
- bcc.s .no2quad
- movem.l d1/d2/a1/a6,-(a0)
- .no2quad:
- do
- subq.l #1,d3
- bcs.s .exit
- movem.l d1/d2/a1/a6,-(a0)
- movem.l d1/d2/a1/a6,-(a0)
- loop.s
- .fail:
- moveq #0,d0
- .exit:
- loadregs
- rts
- ;FOLD SubSuper
- ;*************************************************
- ;** SubSuper **
- ;** Execute a subroutine - address on stack **
- ;** in supervisor code **
- ;** the routine must exit with RTE **
- ;** Preserve all registers **
- ;*************************************************
- xdef SubSuper
- SubSuper:
- movem.l a4-a6,-(a7)
- lea _CallSuper(pc),a5
- move.l mulib_SysBase(a6),a6
- move.l a7,a4
- jsr Supervisor(a6)
- lea $c(a7),a7 ;remove register dump
- move.l (a7)+,(a7) ;Remove address from stack
- rts
- _CallSuper:
- move.l $10(a4),-(a7) ;Jump in here
- movem.l (a4),a4-a6 ;restore registers
- rts ;jump in